Did You Know? HLS Style

Hey there! What a day! Was this morning still the same day as it is now? I really couldn’t tell you at the moment.

My eyes feel like this:


Hi, random eye in the middle of Chicago 🙂

A LOT happened today. Let me give you the short (ish?) version.

After 6 solid hours of rest at my cousin’s house, I woke up for a quick run. She lives about a half mile from Lake Michigan so I had to take advantage:


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It was a nice way to burn off some extra energy before the day began 😀

Post-run delicious breakfast of Greek yogurt, peaches, and granola made by my cousin


SO good. She made the granola herself, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to get the recipe!

Shortly after eating, I had to catch the purple line to the red line to get to the Healthy Living Summit hotel-


45 sweaty, claustrophobic minutes later, and I had made it!


After meeting quite a few bloggers there for the conference, a lot of us gathered together to get ready to head out for a group tour of the Frito Lay tour in Beloit Wisconsin:


Did you know that there are only three ingredients in Frito Lay’s potato chips?


Did you know that there are 4.5 potatoes in each 10 oz bag of chips?


It’s true! Despite the only competition that Frito Lay has at the moment are at the REGIONAL level, they’re still striving to make a healthier, simpler chip. I really hadn’t thought about how many chips are owned by Frito Lay. Then I tried to think of a chip that wasn’t owned by Frito Lay, that isn’t a regional chip. It’s hard, isn’t?! Even Stacy’s is owned by Frito Lay now.

Did you know keeping a food blogger from lunch until 2:00 p.m. equals one HUNGRY blogger?




Did you know that traffic needs to be factored into the equation when determining how long it takes to get home? In Chicago?

Funny story: the bus was taking such a long time to get back to Chicago, that we requested it drop us off at the nearest El stop so we could book it home an alternate way.

Mission: 20+ bloggers with red Frito Lay bags running down the metra


It was pretty intense. And pretty hysterical 😛

But we had a cocktail party to go to!


But that can wait until tomorrow. Must…get…sleeeep 🙂

Night guys!


Major thanks to the sponsors and Healthy Living Summit organizers today! It’s going fabulously so far!!