Step Turnovers

mmm…turnovers… 😉


Hi guys! Having a lazy Sunday? 🙂

Sundays are for long runs for this gal, so it hasn’t been so lazy for me. Actually, I have big plans for productivity today! Don’t worry, it’ll be fun productivity 😉

Despite going out last night, and then staying up even later when I got home to send a training plan to a client, I woke up feeling pretty stellar. Ready to tackle nine miles.

It’s absolutely perfect running weather this morning. It was bright and sunny and about 62 degrees. Light breeze. I was smiling and feeling the run half way through the first mile.

My goal for the run was to keep an average pace of around 9:30. How’d it go? Not bad!




Total distance: 10 miles. I just couldn’t resist to keep going one more mile once I reached my half way point of 4.5 miles out. 10 is such a nice, well-rounded number! Or I’m just a glutton for punishment.

Total time: 1:34:10

Average pace: 9:25

Mi. 1 – 9:38

Mi. 2 – 9:22

Mi. 3 – 9:26

Mi. 4 – 9:11

Mi. 5 – 9:22

Mi. 6 – 9:22

Mi. 7 – 9:26

Mi. 8 – 9:33

Mi. 9 – 9:35

Mi. 10 – 9:18

I gotta say, the weather made my run fabulous. I just kept chugging along, surprised at how quickly each mile passed. There were SO many runners/walkers/bikers out on the wonderful trail that we have here in Blo/No, too. That always helps.

Before I knew it, I was on mile eight and only had two more miles to go. At this point, my right hip was giving me some pain. I have tight hips, so I definitely need to stretch and massage it today. At this point, I also thought of Beck for inspiration. She ran 20 miles yesterday, and commented on how it was “just two ten milers.” I mean, I only had to do one, so I was pretty grateful, heh ;)  Thanks, Beck – helped me out around mile 9 😉

By the time I finished, I’d sipped my Camelbak dry.

Time out: speaking of Camelbak’s, I’m always leery of how/where I store the plastic portion just because it’s hard to get every droplet of moisture out. Then I read on someone’s blog (who are you? I can’t remember or else I’d give credit!!! 🙂 ) that they stash it in the freezer – that way no mildew can form. I tried it out this time, and it worked perfectly!



OK. Time in 😀

One of the things I’m bad at is rehydrating adequately after long runs. I know this because later in the day I’m very tired and my eyes are red and dry. So today I made it a point to drink a LARGE glass of water when I got back to the house, followed by an entire Vita Coco carton:




I like the regular flavors best, but I get the flavored ones for the husband.

I didn’t stop there – by this time my stomach was ready for food (well…liquid food) so it was time for my go-to post hard workout meal, a smoothie (in a bowl) with granola:




A crumbled Almond Granola Breakfast Bar to be exact!




There’s nothing better after a long run!!

And a little later, there may be some more liquid intake:




in the form of pumpkin beer! 😀 Anyone try this flavor before? Shane and I picked it up at Friar Tuck’s yesterday.


Step Turnover

During this morning’s run, I conducted a little experiment at a couple different points in distance. The other day I was reading Runner’s World Magazine on the treadmill, and came across an article on step turnover.

The article stated that the ideal number of steps per minute is 180.    



It didn’t, however, say anything about how this number relates to the length of the runner’s legs. Since I’m almost 5’10 – probably taller than the average runner, I wasn’t sure if it’d be the same for me, but I used it as a guide. Anyway, around miles 3 and then again around mile 7, I counted how many times my right foot hit the ground in one minute, and then doubled it.

I counted 84 times on mile three (total of 168 steps per minute,) and about 81 on mile 8 (162 spm) – so I was in the 160’s. Apparently I can run a bit faster if I crank up the turnover a bit!

Have you ever counted your step turnaround per minute?


Well I’m off to tend to productivity (but first, Wal-Mart…bahhhh) and then get some relaxin’ in! Hope you guys all have an awesome Sunday!! 🙂

Do you find it hard to stay hydrated after long, sweaty workouts? What tips do you have? I plan on noshing on some fruit throughout the day, too.

The Last Yawn


Yesterday was such a relaxing day. I had a to do list…and a lot got done, but I think my mind subconsciously left off some items just so I’d get in some extra R&R.There’s always tomorrow, right? 🙂

I did get in some laundry, cleaning, business schtuff, and what not – but the majority of the day was spent in the kitchen!

After lunch, I had to run out to grab some food for the pets, so I stopped by the local health food store to pick up a few extras. You see, last Friday morning while I was eating breakfast at my cousin, Bronwyn’s house, she gave me a couple of her homemade granola bars. I have not been able to get my mind off of them since. These things are to die for. Obviously, I immediately emailed her begging for the recipe.


I toasted.IMG_9056



I stirred.





I pressed.




No baking! Just chilling? My kind of bar 😉



But I didn’t stop there. Just to throw in some more fun, I made another recipe. The second, you can find on Eat Clean Live Green’s blog.


MmmMMMMmmmMmm 🙂

And then, there was a taste off.




I had Shane do the ultimate taste test (there’s three because I forgot an ingredient in the first batch.)






Bronwyn’s won, but I’m pretty sure in between bites he said something along the lines of “mmmthey’re all pwetty guhd.” And just like that the plate was empty. At first, I was a little upset that I wouldn’t be able to share the recipe with you guys, since it came from Eating Well magazine, but then I did a search and found it online!! Thank me later 🙂 This Almond Honey Power Bar will rock your world breakfast.

Although I was snacking while baking, I was still pretty hungry come dinner time and I wanted to utilize one of the more random items in the Healthy Living Summit swag bag:


Curry powder!

I followed the recipe on the card precisely.






I cannot believe cous cous cooks SO quickly! It’s beginning to be one of my favorite grains:)

To be honest, I really wasn’t too sure if this would even be edible. I mean, red pepper, lemon w/ the rind…sugar? pistachios…

But that last little gem is what tied it all together and made it fantastic.


Served it up with some whole wheat naan for scooping – Eat with your hands! Right Sana? 😉




Shortly after eating, I packed up a bag of granola bars for Heidi and headed over to watch the Last Song.



Although the company was fab, I think the name of this movie should really be called the Last Yawn. Can anyone else just not take Miley Sirus seriously?? I couldn’t get into it. It was weird!


Well I’m off to the gym to see if they need me to work a little today and get in a little sweat sesh!

Have a lovely Saturday, friends! 🙂


Do you have a favorite granola bar or granola bar recipe? If so, share!