Go Away Sickness, I’ve Got Plans!

After a solid 11 hours of sleep, I woke up this morning feeling much better and with a fever of only one degree higher than normal!



This is fantastic because…




The Jingle Bell 5K is today!! I know, I know. You guys are probably thinking more rest is in order, and I agree. However, there are several reasons why I’m thinking about running the race anyway:

  1. I feel better than I did yesterday!
  2. I had to drop out of the race last year
  3. The race is only 5 minutes away from my house – on foot
  4. The start time is at 1:00 pm

Yesterday involved little movement. At work, I was actually thankful no one stopped in to inquire about the gym. Once I picked up my race packet and headed home, I remained horizontal for the rest of the night watching VH1’s Entourage marathon. I tried walking Niko <—bad idea. I tried doing laundry <—bad idea. Ergo, I gave in and gave my body what it was loudly requesting –>REST! <—good idea 😉

Plus, my appetite was no where to be found yesterday!! It was craziness. And every time I did eat a little something, I experienced more stomach pain.



I wanted nothing more than to demolish this Fresh Market Vegetarian Pizza!!!


I didn’t get very far…

Luckily, my stomach troubles didn’t get in the way of the husband’s birthday on Friday.


While Shane was at work, I was up to birthday mischief!

I think this is his favorite present I’ve ever gotten him. Ever.


He’s thanked me at least 10 times this weekend. It’s the G25 wheel and clutch/shifter for car games.

Fast forward 5 hours of Shane playing Need for Speed, and it was wine time!


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We caught the very last rays from the sun as it was heading toward the west.




No, Niko! That’s my wine!

Clarabelle always gives us the stinkeye when she’s the only one not on the back patio.



After having one small pour on the patio, I took Shane to a little wine cafe here in town called, A Renee’s.



They have a wine shop attached to it – my favorite wine shop – and this year they opened a cafe!


While there, we split a cab franc and a petite syrah.


I loved the syrah! I must buy a bottle soon!

For dinner, we headed to Baxter’s, Shane’s favorite steak restaurant here in town.



It’s a pretty snazzy restaurant located next to the airport.



This is where my stomach started talking to me. However, it didn’t stop me from eating a roll and a half and ordering the only vegetarian thing on the menu:




Salad – imagine that! 😉 It was a delicious salad with apple and smoked gouda, though.

By this point, I wanted nothing more than to end the night with some half caff coffee.


The perfect way to finish off an indulgent night!

I’m sure glad my sickness waited until the end of the night to rear its ugly head. The weather also did a 180! On Friday it was in the 70’s and today, the high is only 40 something… That will sure make for a collllld run this afternoon! Better bundle up 😀 And after the run, my family is coming up for another birthday celebration for Shane! Hear that sickness? Go away, I’ve got plans 😀

Hey…I think that’s my appetite!! Better go test it out with some breakfast 🙂

Coffee Convictions

Hello, hello! How’s your weekend going? So far, mine’s been a lovely stream of fun+relaxation+productivity. OK, I kind of lie on the last one, but anywho.

Every morning, I can count on one thing, no matter what: Coffee. It looks a little like this.



Well, except on days I run half marathons, but that’s another story – one that’s already been told.

No matter what, I know I’ll start my day with two familiar ingredients:




Coffee and cream. No funny business. It’s like the best friend you can always count on…for serious talks. It’s all I need most mornings!

Most mornings.

Occasionally, coffee needs a little fun in its life, too.



I mean how can you resist a stunna shade-wearing raspberry flavored coffee?

Occasionally, I start my day with two different ingredients:




Hello, flava flav-ored coffee and sugar. Nice to see you again! These ingredients are more liken to the friend who knows how to party, but you can only handle in doses 😉

A while back, the husband and I stopped buying Starbucks coffees. It was part of our save money strategy. Now we make fancy drinks at home (using $11 coffee and just as expensive sugar…but I digress) 🙂

When we occasionally feel like switching up the morning coffee routine, I pour 4 parts white chocolate raspberry coffee, 1 part turbinado sugar into the French press, and then pour in the boiling water using my electric kettle.



It makes for a fancy, tasty coffee treat at a fraction a little bit less than the price of a Starbucks latte!

It also makes for delicious Saturday road trips to Chicago beverages:


which the details of I’ll discuss in a later post 😉

For now, I’m off to run a 6.5 miler, train a couple clients, and then head to a volleyball team cookout 😀


What do you drink first thing in the morning? Immediately upon waking up, I must guzzle some water. Then it’s allll about the coffee time 🙂

Glowing Sunrise Run

Good morning to yooouuuu! That was sung in the tune to a “good morning” song my pastor once sang during a summer church camp way back from my youth. That song brings back bad memories of unreasonably early mornings, unseasonably cold weather, and unbearably tight pants (I forgot to bring any long pants at all, thus ended up sharing with my best friend’s pants who was half my size, bhaha.) Flashback over!

This morning’s breakfast was a big ole waffle fail! After this morning’s 4 miler, I wanted waffles like nobody’s business. Once I heated up the waffle maker, I realized we were out of whole wheat flour. I didn’t let it stop me, and used oat bran flour instead.


waffle fail. It came out a mess and stuck to each side of the waffle maker, but I was determined to eat it anyway. Is that so wrong?

But with a topping of G.Y. + almond butter + vanilla stevia and a side of iced coffee, it can’t be too bad, right?


Right! So back to the run. I was actually excited to go on my run when I popped out of bed this morning. I had downloaded a fresh play list (think Drake, Eminem, Enrique and Do or Die – when all else fails, Do or Die makes  awesome running music imo) and the weather was amazing. I started out the door just as the sun was going up, and the clouds were literally glowing. I think I like it!  Oh yes I like it!

The run stats weren’t too bad either! 4.25 miles run with an avg. pace of 8:59 – hey that’s still under a 9 min/mile!


Yesterday wasn’t too busy for a Wednesday, and included working at the BIC and training two clients – one of which was a newbie! Her session went wonderfully, and I think she got a lot out of it. Job<—satisfying.

Lunch was a mexican fiesta atop a bed of romaine:


Think the innards of the other night’s enchiladas + a whole ‘nother tomato (I just wrote strawberry…wtf?)

I made dinner after I trained, and it was simple and delicious!



IMG_8511 Sweet potato fries ever so lightly coated in a mix of EVOO, PB, and S&P:



Plus some morning star chick’n nuggets (so does leaving out the “e” in chicken the vegetarian way to spell it or something!?)

I’m late! I’m late! For a very important!…unit meeting.

Today’s “food day” at the BIC where we all bring in something. I was a bit lazy after training last night, so my contribution will be something from Great Harvest Bread. Probably just as well 😉
