Wellness Fair

Today at work was Live Well, Be Well day. And to celebrate, they held a Wellness Fair! I couldn’t take pictures, because it’s against the rules at work to take pictures of the company property, but it was really cool 😀

They had about 15 vendor booths lined up in the atrium about everywhere from diabetes prevention to benefits of organic foods. I picked up quite a few pamphlets and a few other goodies!

And I just now found out that the company I work at gets a 10% discount at our local Organic/Natural Food store – Naturally Yours. Gahh!! How have I not known this? I’ve taken many a trip to this store without doing a badge flash. Good to know for next time, though!

They also had a body fat analyzer there, too. I had to get in on this! I’ve never had my body fat % taken from an official reader. It’s the one they use in the local hospitals. I was a little unpleasantly surprised when my body fat percent was in the “average” zone. I like to think I’m a little more toned than the average person. Oh well – it’s another incentive to make sure I get in my strength training!

I wore one of my Live Well, Be Well shirts when I worked out on my elliptical after work:

Yeah…all the had left were X-L haha. I didn’t care. I looove T-shirts (why do you think I’m signed up for all these races?! kidding, kidding ;)) I’ll just wash em in hot, right?

Eats at work weren’t all that exciting besides the fact that I love, love, loved the Barney Butter on my banana, almond butter and hemp bread sandwich! No picture, because I was crazy busy at work today (I had to eat lunch while working) but let me tell you, it was delicioso to the max.

Speaking of work, it’s kind of stressing me out right now. I stayed late today so I could finish what I was working on, and I’m a firm believer of leaving on time 😉 haha. Looks like I’ll have to practice what I preach and put some of my stress management tips into motion.

So after workin’ it out in my (super large) white tee, I got to cooking some dinner. It was nothing special tonight – Annie’s Whole Wheat White Cheddar Shells and Cheese. I spruced it up a little with some browned ground turkey:

It was pretty good. In my opinion it needed more cheese, though. However, I’ve always been one to add two packets of cheese for every one box of macaroni – ha! My veggies were lackin’ today so I kicked that number up a notch with some carrots, cauliflour, and broccoli!

Mmm so good with just a lil’ butter and sea salt!

Well, mine only had butter and sea salt. Apparently I took a picture of Shane’s version, which had some cheddar cheese on top!

I’m so excited tomorrow’s Friday! For a half day, I sure packed it full though. After work, I’m going to see if I can get Niko in at the groomer’s. Then a little later, I signed up for a zumba class (my first!) from 4:30-6:30. It’s actually a zumba extravaganza (Healthy Madison would be so proud!!) A friend and I signed up today, because they had some zumba dancers at the Wellness Fair. Even though tomorrow’s supposed to be a rest day, as it’s the day before a 5K race, I couldn’t pass it up. I looked at it as a now or never type of dealio. They offer it at my gym too, but I always wanted to take it with someone else I know – and now’s my chance!! I’ll just take it easy and not push myself.

After zumba, it’s straight to Bunco night! Yikes..Friday’s aren’t supposed to be so daunting. At least it’s a daunting of funness I guess 😀

What are your plans for tomorrow??

Have you ever taken Zumba? What were your thoughts on your first attempt?