Pseudo Sweetness

Hola Blogerinos!

Yesterday I had a scare. As you may know, I use soft paws on my kitty, Clarabelle, because we chose not to declaw her. Well, yesterday I was knocked off of my proud high horse.

I noticed she had shed one of the soft paws, because I saw a red nail cap on the floor. Soft Paw (are supposed) to work like this: trim kitty’s nails, glue on soft paw, let kitty shed soft paw, repeat. That worked fine and dandy until Sunday night.

I saw she had shed a cap, so I went to go replaced it, and found that one of her nails didn’t shed properly and it had curled around and down back into her paw pad. I was horrified, and about called the emergency vet, until Shane calmed me down. Clarabelle didn’t really exhibit any signs of pain, so I called first this morning and got her in:


The doctor simply clipped all of her toenails (front and back – and really short – I was scared it was too short) and gave her some topical antibiotic for the bad toe and we were on our way. Oh, and he also recommended we discontinue Soft Paw use, which I already had planned. She doesn’t really scratch anything besides the rugs, and those are replaceable, so I think this is doable for sure.

Thankfully, the trip was much cheaper and much less painful than I expected. We now have a happy and healing kitty 🙂 Well, happy for Clarabelle lol


I was able to go back to work since it didn’t take as long as I anticipated either, and then dropped by the gym to get in a 30 minute run, and then some leg, glutes, and ab work. Feeling fabulous and famished, I came straight home to make a recipe from Eat, Drink, and Be Vegan for din.

Cocoa-Coco Chili

I wasn’t sure what to think before I started making it. Chocolate and coconut in chili? Hmmm… However, it did come out of this holy grail of a book, so I knew I was in good hands;)


But I started chopping the veggies and making it anyway.


and sauteeing them:


Everyone in the hot tub:


While everyone was sweatin’ it out, I was either going to eat my hand or grab a snack. Since I’m typing this post, you can assume I chose the latter:


I followed the directions exactly besides adding some Meatless Gourmet to mine and ground beef to the husband’s portion. I forgot to take a picture of the meatless gourmet (actually, I thought I did, but it’s not on my camera.)

It turned out phenomenally!!


The taste combination worked perfectly together, and I couldn’t even really detect the meatless gourmet (looks like ground beef) in the chili. It was sweet, savory, and warmed me up on this cold, rainy, icky day. Today looks to be the same way, so I’m glad I saved some for lunch leftovers:)

Pseudo Sweetness

In personal training class the other night, we started talking about diet soda, which led to talking about artificial sweeteners and how they, well, aren’t so good for the bod. My instructor had a couple articles on the topic, and I thought it was great information to share with you all.

One of the articles, from the journal, Behavioral Neuroscience, says artificial sweeteners may be hazardous to one’s weight loss attempts. Researches had given saccharin to rats, and found that those rats who consumed it gained more weight and fat than the rats who were just fed glucose. The researchers concluded “using artificial sweeteners in rats resulted in increased caloric intake, increased body weight and increased adiposity, as well as diminished calorie consumption.”

Basically, regardless of the decreased calories, the artificial sweeteners still caused weight gain. The article says the reason for this is the sweetener interferes with fundamental homeostatic, physiological processes. Pretty crazy, huh?

The second article was from  IDEA Fitness Journal, Volume 5, Number 8, and while artificial sweeteners are helpful for diabetics, we must be picky with how we use them them. Just because these substances lower the overall calories from a food otherwise using sugar, definitely doesn’t mean increased nutritious benefits. The FDA, however sees them as “generally recognized as safe.” Ok, FDA… This article focuses on moderation while using these products.

Just thought you’d enjoy those little tidbits! I know I have a couple friends who are obsessed with the stuff and put it in and on everything, and I’m always a little leery of it.

Vegan for a Day!

I decided I’m going to join several bloggers out there who are going vegan for a day!Vegan 4 a Day is part of a Vegan 4 a Week challenge, and the Vegan 4 a Day is supposed to be this Thursday, however I’m going out for lunch, and have a busy day that day, so I’m doing it today! I’ll just have to not eat any yogurt, which will be hard for me.

I already had to dump out my coffee with half and half, and although dumping out animal products seems not very productive either, for the sake of the challenge, I did just that, and replaced it with this one made with almond milk instead:


With a vegan breakfast?

IMG_2157 IMG_2158

   Check! This badass breakfast cookie contains: oats, golden raisins, carob chips, hemp powder, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin puree, pecans, and a squirt of agave. And it’s glorious.

I’ll recap tomorrow of how the day went, and any problems I encountered! Do you want to go vegan for a day with me?


Do you use artificial sweeteners? I use stevia in my coffee, and I’m even still a little leery of that, just because it hasn’t been out for very long!

28 Responses

  1. Hey girly! Poor Kitty! I am so glad she is ok. That chili looks awesome- I want that cook book so bad. I’ve heard that about artificial sweeteners. I try to use NuNaturals Stevia packets in my coffee but in a pinch, I will use Splenda. I am still up in the air about whether or not I think stevia is any better than splenda.

    Body Combat and Attack are different. When they first brought Attack to the US, they called it combat (hence why there is the confusion). Here is the links to info on the two programs:

    Hope you have a good day:)

  2. NO artificial sweeteners!! People are always shocked when they find out that I eat butter and REAL sugar. The horror!

    Everything in moderation!! Of course, sometimes I fall off the wagon with the portion sizes, but that happens to everyone. I just get back on!

  3. Yay for tasty chili and yay for your kitty being okay! Pet scares are so terrible and I’m glad she’ll be alright. Have a great day!

  4. Clarabelle is so pretty; I’m glad she is healing.

    I agree with the ban on artificial sweeteners. I use natural, cane sugar in my coffee.

  5. Your chili looks super fabulous. I LOVE ED&BV, its full of simple amazing recipes.

    I have never used an art. sweetener.. I dont drink coffee, just green tea!!

  6. How do you like that cookbook? I have it on my Christmas list!

    Thanks for that artificial sweetener info. My Mom puts some sort of sweetener in like EVERYTHING she drinks and I keep telling her it’s not helping her lose weight. Now I have proof!

  7. yay for happy kitties! We never declawed Roxy, and she’s fine in the house most of the time. Every now and then she’ll stretch and claw the rug, but nothing more than that.

    I think vegan for a day would be interesting. i’ll have to see what food I have in the house first!

  8. Good luck on going Vegan for a day–I’d like to give it a try!
    Awww and so glad kitty is OK! 🙂

  9. Awww heal up quick kitty!!
    Vegan 4 a Day sounds so interesting – I’d love to try it out. I think I just might on Thursday. I’ll have to think about my meals that day and plan it out.
    I do use artificial sweeteners, but definitely in moderation. I used to use TONS – drink beyond huge amounts of diet coke, put 2-3 packets of splenda in my coffee, put splenda on everything (oats, french toast, baked apples, plain yogurt, smoothies…). I slowly weaned it out of my life, and now rarely rarely add it to anything. Occasionally (like maybe 1-2 times per month) I’ll add a packet to something. And I still do drink some SF drinks – but not very often at all. So I think it’s fine now, all in moderation.

  10. I just saw that chili on Kath’s blog and want to make it soooo bad! Cocoa sounds like such an interesting chili flavour!

    I went hardcore vegan for a month a few years back. No white sugar or salt, which was hard for me, because I lot of breads and other random products have them. But I did do a lot of experimenting with food that month and have incorporated a lot of that style of eating into the way I eat now. I just don’t want to do it again 😛

    As for the sweetener thing. My tummy doesn’t like them anyway, so I try to just choose real sugar over the fake stuff. I’m a gum addict though, that’s my downfall.

  11. Your cat is beautiful! Is she a Maine Coon? Glad she’s well…

  12. That chili looks so yummy, and I don’t even really like beans.. I’m dying to get myself a copy of Eat, Drink, Be Vegan.

    I use splenda in pretty much everything that I sweeten, but I’ve really been wanting to cut it out completely.. Have a great Tuesday!

  13. I am really trying to eliminate artificial sweetners from my diet. The one thing I CANNOT quit is sugar free gum! It’s addicting I think. But I agree – something that fake cannot be a good thing for anyone. Interesting topic for sure!

    – Beth @

  14. I used to use tons of sweetners on everything and I have gone cold turkey and stopped using equal and splenda!! Although I have stopped using sweetners, I still have a diet soda once everyday!! I really dont think that having one soda is that bad as long as I eat a healthy and nutritious meal plan for the rest of the day!!
    Also, where are you taking your personal training class??

  15. I’m so glad everything turned out OK for Clarabelle! It’s scary when our pets get sick… you never know exactly what’s wrong and how to help them. Not a great feeling, but sounds like you handled it well!

    Your Vegan Breakfast looks SO good! What a perfect, healthy way to start out your day!


  16. Poor Clarabelle! I am happy to hear she is okay and that you don’t have to use the soft paws anymore! And good for you for not declawing her! Our cat was already (front) declawed when we found him 😦

    Good job so far on vegan for a day! I’ve been eating vegan for a few months and I love it!

  17. That bfast cookie & chili look phenom! 😀

  18. Glad Clarabelle is okay! I need to go Vegan for a day every now and then. I think i depend on dairy a bit too much…

  19. I used to eat a ton of splenda and splenda sweetened foods, but I’ve almost completely cut it all out. I do have an occasional diet coke though.

    Hope your cat is okay!

  20. aw, I’m glad your little baby is ok! I noticed you have the wonderful eat,drink and be vegan cook book. Isn’t it the best?!

  21. i use stevia but i am leery of it too. i’m a bit of a sweet tooth addict.

  22. Go you for participating in vegan 4 a day! I’m considering going vegetarian between Thanksgiving and Christmas and am already trying it out. We aren’t big meat eaters anyways and rarely eat red meat (when we do we seem to eat it for a few meals in a row) but I’m really looking forward to it! I think I’m going to add that cookbook to my Christmas list too!

    • Oh, and we don’t do artificial sweeteners at all. I usually do agave on pancakes or sugar in the raw in coffee. I gave up soda last March and have had it only a handful of times since then.

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