Filling Foods and an Overdue Giveaway!

Well hullo there!

How’s your Thursday going? Mine’s about done, and like most Thursdays, it was a go-go-go day!

Even though my alarm said I could sleep in today since I was planning to get my workout in after work, my brain and/or Niko told me to wake up at 4:50. I refused to get out of bed until 6:15, so I pretty much just lay there drifting in and out of half asleep-ness until the allowed time. At least this means my bod must be getting used to the early a.m. workouts! 😀

Anyway, I woke up, got ready, and had another awesome bowl of yoatgurt, mimicking this bowl exactly:


Have I mentioned I love this breakfast? Not only is it the most delicious combination ever, but it keeps me full until LUNCH! I know that seems like not so crazy of a concept, but I am almost always starving by 10:00 a.m. and need a snack with my regular oatmeal/cereal/breakfast cookie.

Work was pretty busy again. I had a 9:00 meeting I needed to prepare for, and then afterward had some action items (ew, business word.) Before I knew it it was time for lunch!


On one plate, we have some Quorn “chicken” nuggets with ketchup, and some veggies and Sabra hummus.


Finger food-lickin’ good.

And on the next plate we have an Ezekiel english muffin w/ maca and cinnamon on one half, and organic jam on the other:


And some how before it ended, one of these ended up in the mix too…muahaha


This lunch certainly kept up the trend of keeping Paige full until the next meal 😀

I had to leave work a few minutes early to get my permanent crown put on my tooth, and then after that, I rushed home to get in a quick three mile OUTDOOR run!

That’s right. I gave the snow a middle finger, and ran outside anyway. Since the sidewalks are still snow-covered, I just ran on the street against traffic, like all the other hardcore runners! Yeah 😀 Just gotta make sure you’re paying very close attention when doing this. Never know when a driver might be fiddling in their purse instead of watching the road 😉

Anyway, I ran 3 miles in 27:36! Heck yeah! Totally remember why I hate the dreadmill after this run. From now on, as long as it’s light enough out, and above 25º, I’m hoofin’ it on the street.

Immediately after my quickie run, I rushed to the gym to meet my friend Heidi for a power yoga class (it was her first one!) It totally kicked our asses, and thankfully, Heidi didn’t hate me afterward for taking her along 😉 Gah I’m gonna miss this gym!

Since lunch did such a good job of staving off my hunger, I had forgotten to eat anything until after yoga!! I called the hubski while driving home and told him to preheat the oven, because I wanted food and I wanted it NOW.

It was a frozen pizza kinda night:



x’s 2. With this:


Spinach, goat cheese, and honey mustard dressing.


And half of some krackbucha:




Giveaway Time!!!


Just because it’s been a while since my last giveaway, I thought it’s about time for another one.

Sequel Naturals recently sent me both of Brendan Brazier’s THRIVE books to read and review, including his newest one: THRIVE Fitness. Lucky for you they also sent me a second copy of his newest one for a giveaway! 😀


I can’t give a full review of the book yet (but one is soon to come!) because I haven’t finished it, but it’s a vegan based training program designed to quickly and efficiently increase overall strength. In his book, he explains how to, among other things, build strong, lean, functional muscles, prevent sports injuries, reduce body fat, and increase quality of sleep!


Also included in the giveaway is the Tupperware banana keeper! If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you’ve probably seen one of these make an appearance from time to time 😉 For those who haven’t, it’s a cute little yellow banana shaped container that makes bananas so much easier to travel with. It keeps them from getting bruised, squas hed, and turning brown for a certain period of time.


I’m kind of obsessed with mine 🙂


And what kind of giveaway would it be without some snacks? During my weekend trip to our local health food store, I’ll pick up a couple of their “new” or more unique products and throw them in as a RAOK (random act of kindness 😉 awww)

To enter, just leave a comment on this post telling me about your favorite and/or somewhat unusual kitchen gadget. That’s it! I’ll pick a winner using the random number generator on…Monday!

Note: This giveaway is open to US readers only. Sorry international readers:(, I still love you!!

I hope everyone had a lovely Thursday. And happy Friday tomorrow!! Hooray!

Anyone got any exciting plans? Tomorrow I plan on relaaaaxing, Saturday is long run day and a Euchre tourney, and Sunday is a pedicure with my madre, and girl time with some friends. Should be a great one 😀

51 Responses

  1. My weirdest kitchen gadget is an egg poacher that I got from Crate & Barrel. My bf literally thought that I was joking when I said that one existed! Its so much easier than actually poaching eggs the old fashioned way and has renewed my love for Eggs Benedict!

  2. Cool giveaway. My fav kitchengadget is my coffee maker. i don’t have an unusual one. 😦 Have a great evening.

  3. I think that my favorite kitchen gadget would have to be my baby spoons and the orange peeler that makes it easier to eat an orange!! 🙂

  4. oh fun giveaway!

    My favorite weird kitchen gadget is my pineapple corer/cutter!

  5. i love my spiralizer! :D*

  6. my fave kitchen gadget is my can opener ‘cuz it’s so useful – yeah, kind of boring, but I don’t really have many kitchen gadgets yet 😦

  7. Fave kitch gadget is my Vita Mix. I love it. Life changing for me 🙂

  8. The Vitamix! Best money ever spent (but thank goodness it wasn’t mind 🙂 )

  9. Ooo oo I’ve really been hoping to read that book! Haha that banana keeper is cool. I’m not sure I have any unusual appliances, but I think my favorite might be my Senseo coffee machine- it makes a single cup of coffee pretty quick so there’s no waiting for it the coffee to drip 🙂

  10. Wow, that’s a total tie between my coffee maker and my food processor. Both are like my babies. 😉

    I’ve heard of this book before and have been wanting to read it! Can’t wait to hear your review Paige!


  11. I love my Tupperware portible food processor ! It works, is easy to clean, and I make your recipe for holy, moly, guacamole way more often than I would without it.
    My exciting plans begin today with one last walk/run on the beach, continue with a long day in airports, and end with coming home to my wonderful buddy, Buck. Then….
    I’m sooo needing and looking forward to that pedicure.

  12. I think my KitchenAid mixer is my favorite appliance.
    I need to try yoatgurt! Looks good. And I’m glad to hear that the Kashi pizza was good, I have been wanting to try the thin crust! Thanks!

  13. Hmmm, I don’t really have any unusual kitchen gadgets but I have neat one that is that I don’t use much – a batter dispenser for pancakes and waffles. It was a present and it would help me avoid making batter messes if I would just dig it out from the back of the cabinet. I have always wanted a banana keeper for long car rides!! I am super protective of my bananas….the grocery baggers love me!! Seriously, they should just let me bag my own groceries b/c before I leave the store I am digging my produce/bananas out trying to save them from the canned goods!!

  14. I really, really love my garlic press! I don’t use it as much as I should, but it’s great!

  15. Oh i still have to try yoatgurt! I’m always so behind with the super trends of the blog world 🙂
    Oh do international readers have the chance to win this fabulous giveaway as well?? 😉 I really enjoyed reading Thrive and can’t wait to read “Thrive Fitness” plus that banana keeper seems fab for such a nanner lover like me ;).
    My favourite weird kitchen gadget.. Hmmm.. Well it’s not a “real” gadget but I love my Hello Kitty salad servers 🙂
    Btw I just stumbled upon your blog (it’s not that I’m de-lurking now that there’s a giveaway around, hehe) and can’t wait to read more!

  16. I would have to say my lemon juicer. (Kind of like a garlic press for lemons and limes.) Makes it soooo easy to juice a lemon without getting my hands sticky, etc. Next would be the food processor.

  17. I love my coffee grinder!
    I will never buy ground coffee’s soooo much fresher!

  18. I am getting pedicures with mom on Saturday! Can’t wait…my ugly running feet NEED it!

  19. My fave gadget would have to be the lazy susan I put in my pantry. I love to spin it and drool over the seven jars of nut butter it holds. I can never decide which one to eat! I also love to use my immersion blender to whip cottage cheese and eat it on a piece of toast. Fun giveaway!! That book is actually in my Amazon shopping cart right now! Have a great weekend.

  20. One of these days I will finally win that banana keeper – I’ve been lusting after it since it first appeared on your blog!

    I love my tuna strainer, that little plastic thing that fits perfectly over the tuna can to get the water out! I use it to rinse off capers too – just throw some capers in it and put under water – I like to think it’s getting rid of a bunch of the salt!

  21. I love my chopper gadget. You put everything inside and pump the handle and voila! Chopped veggies!

    Yoatgurt is so filling that I actually can’t eat it for breakfast and have to make it lunch or dinner. That stuff is amazing!

  22. Mine would be my blender because it’s almost 30 years old. My parents got it as a wedding present and my mom passed it along to me when I moved out. It’s still going strong and can chop/mix/grind just about anything!

  23. Brendan is Canadian- I love that guy!

    My all time favorite kitchen gadget has to be the electric kettle- I use it at breakfast, lunch, all afternoon and evening- what can I say- I’m a tea girl!

    Are you vegan?

  24. Those cookies are making my mouth water! 🙂
    Hmm my most interesting gadget…..a 15 year old rusted mechanical can opener! HAHA Totally still works!

  25. Oh – I totally need that banana keeper! My bananas get so mushed on my commute that sometimes they leak banana juice – no good! My favorite kitchen gadget I would say is my food processor! So handy!

  26. Hmmmm… I think my favorite gadget would have to be my salad spinner! It is the best and I don’t know how I got along without it!

  27. I need a banana thingy! 🙂 then that will be my favorite wierd gadg…until then, I love my egg white separator spoon! It’s a deep-set spoon with separated spirals to keep the yolk in the spoon and let only the egg white out! It’s pretty FAB 🙂 Oh and I also LOVE my SLAP CHOP for quick fixins and pure lazy-ness 😛

  28. I love my vita mix!! I use it almost twice daily. My Red Le Creuset soup pot is incredible… i But I also have been loving my rice/slow cooker lately, it makes it easier to turn out healthy, delicious wonderful food!

  29. Fun giveaway! This is totally random but one of my favorite kitchen gadgets is a mandolin slicer. I used it to slice fruit for sangria I made and the fruit was so thin and perfect! I don’t use it that much though so… my favorite everyday tool is my kitchenaid coffee maker 🙂

  30. The microwave 😦 sad but true! hahahhah!

  31. I don’t really have a fave kitchen gadget since I have pretty standard things, but I do have an unusual one. I have a mini egg pan that you flip in the middle of cooking that cooks eggs in the perfect size to top an english muffin. It’s pretty pointless but does work.

  32. I LOVE my poach pod! It’s a little silicone bowl that you can poach eggs in so they slide out perfectly in one piece!

  33. That banana keeper is awesome!

    I have an avocado slicer, and I love it!!

  34. I think my favorite kitchen gadget is my silicone whisk…

    and plans for the weekend? My birthday is Saturday – I’m excited!

  35. My FAVORITE kitchen gadget is my garlic press.
    I RARELY season anything…fresh garlic is my daily seasoning! So that puppy gets a work out!!! =)

    p.s. been secretly reading thanks for the give away gave me the push to finally comment!! =)

  36. […] of you guys have some pretty darn nifty kitchen gadgets. And can I just say, I’m jealous of how many of you have Vitamixes?! I want! If you haven’t […]

  37. I totally need a banana keeper – I’m so sick of bruises from my gym bag!!
    My fave kitchen gadget would have to be my magic bullet. It takes up no space and perfectly purees the food concoctions I make for my baby girl as well as my daily smoothie

  38. Oh this is a tough pick! My very favorite gadget in the kitchen is my steamer! I use it on a daily basis and am on to my 3rd of the same kind (they last so long). I love, love, LOVE steamed broccoli, sweet potatos, tempeh, etc.


  39. Mine would be a Vegetable Spiral/Slicer!

  40. […] forget to enter my THRIVE Fitness book and Banana Keeper giveaway! It ends tomorrow […]

  41. […] winner of the giveaway for a Tupperware banana keeper and Brendan Brazier’s new book: THRIVE Fitness is Mo @ Mommy RD! […]

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