I Think You Need a Time Out

Hi guys:)

I woke up this morning to about 6 inches of snow! I had grand plans to make it to my first day in a LONG time of getting to the gym before work to crank out a 4 mile interval run, but there was no way I was getting out of our driveway before the hubby woke up and dominated it with the snow blower. Run will have to wait until tomorrow morning!

So instead, I improvised, and bounded upstairs to get in a work out in our home gym 😀

Since we only have an elliptical, and no treadmill, I did a 5 minute ellpticizing warm up before doing about 25 minutes of legs/glutes. I forgot how killer bowler’s lunges are. In a good way of course 😉

Finished it up with a sweaty 30 minute elliptical session while reading this month’s Clean Eating magazine. There are some potentially good recipes in there this month! Can’t wait to try some out J

Post workout fuelage:



Coffee and protein.

And a little bit later – I had a quickie rendition of the breakfast cookie:




Around 6:20 this morning, I made this cookie consisting of 1/3 c. oats, 1.5 T flaxmeal, 1.5 T PB2, some raisins, a banana, and a little squirt of agave. Put it in the freezer for about an hour and viola! It was good, but much better when it’s done overnight.

Then it was off to work! Unfortunately even though it’s pretty blizzard-like, word was not cancelled. But fortunately, my awesome husband offered to drive me again to work again, including curbside service. Can’t beat that!


Tea Time!

It’s so easy to get caught up with to-do lists, multi-tasking, and a tight schedule, that sometimes we forget to take a moment for ourselves! I’m definitely guilty of this, but it helps to remember that by taking a little break – whether it’s by reading a book, meditating, doing yoga, or playing with a pet – can make the hectic world we live that much easier.

Plus, it’s SO healthy to give yourself a little break from thinking, doing, and working.

I’m a Planner by trade, so I often find myself planning out my day, my week, my weekend, my schedule, ALL the time. When I’m walking to a meeting. When I’m driving in my car. When I’m brushing my teeth. Sometimes we just need a time out.

Today I took my time out in the form of tea time!

After working for a couple hours, I found myself distracted, and couldn’t focus. Instead of becoming frustrated and stressed, I walked over to the cafe and made myself a nice, hot cup of tea.



Hellooo down there!

With it, I had a leftover biscotti that I had made for the Super Bowl party:




On it was some Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter:



And all it took was 5-10 minutes, and I was refreshed, focused and ready to get back to work!

I think Tea and Biscotti time just might become a staple of my mid mornings during the work week 😉


Since I was able to get my workout in before work today, I had plenty of time when I got home from work today to do some odds and ends before around the house before getting started on dinner. I finally got all the paperwork ready for future personal training clients, and organized my “personal training file cabinet” so I know where to go when I need something that’s related to anything fitness 😉 Then I played chase the dog around the couch to exercise Niko since it’s currently blizzarding and 5º outside. Not quite the right conditions for a walk in the park. But hey…I can’t complain 😉

Dinner was on the very simple side of the spectrum for both the hubski and myself. I made Shane whole wheat penne pasta with meat sauce, with sides of a biscuit and brussel sprouts. And for myself, I made…





Brussel sprouts were tossed in EVOO, s&p, garlic powder, roasted @ 425º for 10 minutes on each side, leftover tofu to their right, and millet toast with a little Earth Balance and the best jam ever:




I anticipate it getting a little snacky up in hurr after I venture downstairs to catch up on more OTH (One Tree Hill) with the hubski later on.

But for now, I’m going to go kick it with said hubski and these two creatures:




…for a little re-lax-ation time 😀

Catch ya’ll tomorrow!! Have a fabulous Tuesday night and a happy hump day!


What do you do during your work day to give your mind and body a mini break? If you don’t have anything you currently do, what’s something that you could do?

20 Responses

  1. I am all about drinking tea at work! I wish I could take a “real” lunch break and get outside every day!

  2. BEAUTIFUl bfast cookie!

  3. I am horrible about giving myself little breaks during the day, but I am trying to make it a priority of mine to go and get a tan after school everyday so that I can take a break from thinking about school and then I am trying to get to the gym 3-4 times a week for an hour for a little exercise!! I know I might not sound like all the other healthy bloggers, but I am in the beginning stages of recovery and I need to get back into exercise slowly so that I can monitor my weight and the amount of exercise I am doing!! Also, what do you think about tanning beds, do you think they are a good or bad idea… I cant decide?? I am VERY pale and I look translucent if I dont tan!!

    • Hi Lindsay! First of all, it’s so important not to compare yourself to other bloggers. I think it’s awesome that you are your own person and are on your own path to a healthy life 😀 Secondly, I am ALL about embracing the paleness. I think paleness I beautiful especially if you embrace it. Additionally, when my mom got skin cancer on her face, that alone made me swear off tanning beds.

  4. Hi Paige, sorry bout 6 inches of snow. Ugh.
    I always feel rushed and rushing around. Too many hats and roles, not enough hours in the day. A cup of coffee and a 20 min barney episode for skylar helps to re-center me 🙂

  5. Take a break and get fresh air! Even if it is for just a min…..Fresh air does the trick!

  6. I always try to take a small moment each day to myself otherwise I stress myself out about what I need to get done. If I take coffee breaks and just focus on the moment, I do much better than if I work my butt off with no breaks.

  7. I love taking a quick tea break! I’ll usually make my tea and just turn my chair away from my desk for a few minutes to refocus. I feel so refreshed when I turn back to my inbox!

  8. I try to get outside for a few minutes as a break even when it’s snowy. Yesterday, I planned to just shovel a path, but soon I found myself clearing the entire big driveway. I actually had to take a break from my break by then:-)

  9. I get up and walk around (while looking like I’m doing something important) 😉

  10. I don’t work anymore but I still need little breaks from the kids/hubby/life….sometimes a ten minute tea break works wonders!

  11. I love corpse pose in yoga- and allowing myself to lie there longer then I’m supposed to..

    Something else though that’s always fantastic is knitting- I love it, and it shuts my mind of completely (the classic knit, purl- nothing wild or complex).

  12. I am so bad at taking breaks! I need to be better about it. I always just feel guilty….

  13. I like to take a time out to think about dinner, haha.

  14. Tea and biscotti… yes, please!!! Your breakfast cookie looks really great, too.. so perfect.. how do you shape it so well?!?!

    Happy Wednesday, dear 😉

  15. whats great is I work in a corporate gym so if I am bogged down with desk work, I can get up and workout!! it is a nice perk 🙂 that dinner looks awesome, I love brussels sprouts 🙂

    biscotti looks so good! I want to make them from stractch but the method intimidates me for some reason LOL

  16. just stopping, taking a deep breath, and focusing on that is usually all i need to do to “reset.”

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